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The 30-Day EXTREME Makeover is the way out…

What is an extreme makeover?  You've heard of a home makeover, a face makeover, or maybe even a full body makeover…well this is an extreme "mental" makeover and it’s for everyone!

Finally, an EXTREME Makeover in your thinking, in your mind... yes, your ego!

Which game are you playing, "the Game of Survival" or "the Game of Life"?

  • Are you tired of suffering by living with never-ending struggle and overwhelm?
  • Have you ever wondered, what's going on that's making us all so unhappy? Are you ready for something better?
  • Do you want to learn, change, and grow so you immediately see life become easier?
  • Do you prefer success that leads to feeling fulfilled versus always feeling unsatisfied?
  • Would you rather thrive or continue to feel you have to survive?

The wait is over…

Learn to "Re-THINK" and Have the Life You Want…NOW…not someday!

The 30-Day EXTREME Makeover confronts what drives us as human beings, and it brilliantly illuminates how you can feel more alive, productive, peaceful and satisfied.

Re-THINKING in your day-to-day life allows you to recognize the source of true happiness and success!

This is a game-changing learning opportunity where the results you are capable of are immediately realized.

You become "living proof" that it is possible to be truly happy.

This is definitely a "one-way ticket to paradise!"

Living a life filled with Happiness and Success is your number one goal in life.

Live in the direction of getting better and better beyond what you've ever experienced in the past.

The "Ups and Downs" of daily life become easily manageable as you Re-THINK and set the course for your day to unfold beautifully.

Moving "Up and Up" replaces the former "Up and Down" frustrations.


Participating in the 30 Day Extreme Makeover was a transformative experience. I gained tools that I use everyday to fill my life with acceptance, fulfillment, love and peace. I highly recommend the class to those striving for a free and amazing life.                                                                      .............................................................................................................Rae L. ~ Golden, CO


Leave behind the “status quo” and fast-forward to Happiness and Success


The 30-Day Extreme Makeover is without a doubt, the Happiest Program on the Planet.  The lessons you're about to learn will allow you to begin to experience the greatest realization…your real Self!

After the first few days you'll find a new internal power that's stronger and more energized than you ever imagined possible.  As you allow your awareness to expand, it will reveal to you a whole new experience of you.


“Most of us would agree that sometimes we are our own worst enemy.   If only we could get out of our way, we’d be better. Better work-life balance, better health, better in our personal relationships, better career success, better at making money in our business. Donna comes as close to my ideal as a coach ever has at helping me to discover the pathway to better myself in these areas. In the 30-Day Extreme Makeover, she’s helped me to create an empty space for the good stuff, for living fully.”

.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>..Doug S. ~ Alameda, CA

The 30-Day Extreme Makeover will give you everything you need to have a truly happy life.

fade-leftfade-rightGet the right guidance so you can immediately be a WINNER in the Game of Life …

When you no longer believe everything you think, you are free to choose new thoughts and feelings.

Do you agree with these statements:

When you learn to completely eliminate negative thinking patterns and cultivate powerful tools for happiness and success, suffering ends and your life is enriched.

The 30-Day Extreme Makeover helps you make incredible shifts:

An Unbelievable SHIFT is waiting for YOU!

Whether you’re 15 years old or 80 years old, regardless of your occupation, even if you are recently out of school or already retired; if you want to discover who you really are, beyond this old game of survival, come learn how to quickly navigate as the world is changing and evolving.

The great news is that when you make this shift, you'll easily live committed to a happy and successful life.

You’ll advance on a journey to know who you really are in a new way.

You’ll have a new awareness as you actively learn to let-go of the old stressful paradigm of life.

You’ll learn to confront your ongoing resistance in a way that it can dissolve peacefully.

The 30-Day Extreme Makeover is your ticket to happiness and success...

Come learn everything you need to allow the truth to reveal itself.

Come learn the successful strategies, tactics and practical tools to create a life that embraces a wonderful model for happiness and success.

  • You’ll learn easy, proven methods so you don’t have to do things the hard way.
  • You’ll discover and experience how to create self-respect and love.
  • You’ll experiment with how to be super-efficient in a way that is balanced and sustainable.
  • You’ll gain practical techniques to help you communicate and build solid, loving, long-term relationships.
  • You’ll be so inspired and energized daily so you'll never have to experience a "bad day" again.

Everything in your life is a reflection of your consciousness.

With guidance throughout the program, you’ll discover and strengthen your sense of the real Self.

End the need for ongoing Personal Development and the "endless struggle to become better".

You’ll be living proof that this program works quickly and easily.

The 30-Day Extreme Makeover supports positive change in the world!

SPECIAL NOTE:  Using today's technology, instead of physical CDs, all audios recordings are available to listen online or in downloadable MP3 format. This makes it simple for everyone no matter where in the world you live.  The lessons are always available on your computer or mobile device,  plus there is no additional shipping charges or shipping delays.

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Read what others are saying about the 30-Day EXTREME Makeover:

Wow, if you want to get results in your life and become "unbuggable", try this program for 30 days…The 30 day Extreme Makeover is easy to understand and implement in your life. I learned playful ways to change my thinking and to easily go after the goals I’m interested in!

Jody S.
San Jose, CA

The 30-Day Extreme Makeover Program helped me to re-frame the way I think about what happens in my life, which allows me to experience more peace and joy. That may sound hokey, but the techniques, with daily practice, have really helped me.

Lorri R.
Fairfax, VA

I am enjoying this program so very much! I am actually looking forward to each day now. I wish everyone in the world could do this program. We would have much more peace and happiness.

Laurie B
San Francisco, CA

This up-tempo course was designed as fun and easy to experience day by day. I’m learning tools and having experiences in all new ways. I thoroughly feel supported. It’s a content rich course and it is paying off in spades.

Heinz N.
Sunnyvale, CA

Energizing and Experiential program that exceeded my expectations. I would recommend this to anyone interested in growth.

Bob M.
Edison, NJ

The 30-Day Extreme Makeover really helps you to see what's in the way so you reach your highest potential. I decided to take the course and the results have been truly amazing!

Rich B.
New City, NY

It is no fun letting your negative thoughts and emotions push you around.  The 30 Day Extreme Makeover has given me new awareness to letting my intentions guide me in the game of life. I am experiencing greater happiness and more freedom in my life to be myself and achieve what I choose without the baggage of negativity weighing me down and getting in my way.

Dawn C.
Dallas, TX

Easy to learn! Easy to apply! Easy to understand! Easy to get results!  I found the 30-Day EXTREME Makeover to be Super Easy and also Highly Effective. I feel great about my life and circumstances now.  I know how to apply these daily lessons in a way that just makes so much sense. If you want your life to be happier and more peaceful, this is the program for you

Valerie H
Pittsburgh, PA

A wonderful program that brought me a new way of thinking and living. I now know there is an alternative to the stress, anxiety, anger… it is called, being aware.  A new way of thinking and achieving your intentions. I recommend this program to everyone, even though it may sound phony.  For anyone who wants to improve their life, I strongly suggest you take a close look and seriously consider just doing it. To get the most out of this program, you must decide you are willing to learn and apply the simple lessons to your life. I was willing to do it and I am on a new path in life now. I am loving it!

Kevin K.
Hackensack, NJ

I have experienced a major transformation in the 30-Day Extreme Make-Over.  My experience has shifted from a person feeling worried, fearful of the future, lacking, not good enough; to a person that sees my True Self as very OK and feeling good about being me and feeling peaceful and feeling serene and feeling that the future will be OK.  This transformation is very new for me and it will be exciting to experience even more changes.

Bert M
Cupertino, CA

How the Program Works


Bottom line, the keys to happiness, success and freedom are not what we were taught while growing up.

This early programming creates thought patterns that actually block us from seeing what’s possible in our life. Instead it often leads to feeling stuck and frustrated. The negative thought patterns keep us in a “mind-maze’ and we cannot see the way out.  Breaking these old patterns is essential if we are going to live a life of happiness, success and freedom.

The good news is this opens up a whole new experience of discovering unlimited possibilities allowing you to reach your goals in “any” area of your life.

I’ve reached a wonderful place in my life where I never have to have a bad day again. Yes, I’m serious…never again!

Now, I’ve developed a simple and effective way to teach this to anyone who is “willing”…

Willing?  Willing to “unlearn the old programming/patterns” so you can learn something “fresh”.  This fresh way works for everyone.  It is like starting with a “blank canvas”.  A way of living that is so simple and inner-peace becomes your normal state of mind.

The happiness, success, and freedom we have been looking for is available.

I am living proof this can be achieved and I am offering to teach it to you in the 30-Day EXTREME Makeover.

Here are the details:

  1.  Sign up now to participate in the 30-Day EXTREME Makeover NOW!  Registration is OPEN!
  2.  Simply log-in and complete the daily lesson recording at the start your day. All instructions are given daily to make it EASY, ENJOYABLE, and EXTREMELY EFFECTIVE.
  3.  Audio recordings of all lessons are available online so the program will work with your schedule at any time of the day or night.  You can also download the audio lessons to listen again and again, as much you’d like.
  4.  Each week during the 30 days you are invited to participate in “live” Weekly Support Calls to connect with others, learn new lessons, ask questions, receive guidance, and share your progress.
  5.  Ongoing Alumni Coaching – You have the option to extend your participation in the Weekly Support Calls for as long as you’d like through our Alumni Group .
  6.  You will finally “unlearn” what you were programmed to think when you were a kid…remember this is what keeps you feeling stuck. You’ll learn to Re-THINK and live your life in the direction of happiness, success and inner-peace.  You get the life you deserve! Everyone can do it!

The setting and format for the 30-Day EXTREME Makeover is very easy and fun making what you’re learning immediately effective!

In the program, you will “directly experience” your real true Self without the ego and a new way of living that allows you to totally transform your past overwhelm, stress, anger and frustrations into peace, success and happiness.  It’s simply an amazing makeover.

You will have an “unrecognizably”, happy life!

So what are you waiting for?  Finally, you are here!   It’s your turn to take the next step toward having a happy life!
Don’t miss out!


Sign Up TODAY! 

Only  $397.00

  Fast-forward to Happiness and Success!

Open up to what is possible. Get ready to break through the “false illusions” of the life and the ego mind-chatter.  As you make this important shift, you move yourself forward towards a new, amazing and empowered life.

It is no fun letting your negative thoughts and emotions push you around.  The 30 Day Extreme Makeover has given me new awareness to letting my intentions guide me in the game of life. I am experiencing greater happiness and more freedom in my life to be myself and achieve what I choose without the baggage of negativity weighing me down and getting in my way.
Dawn C. ~ Dallas, TX”
Sign Up Now!

If you correct your mind, the rest of your life will fall into place


- Lao Tzu, Ancient author of Tao Te Ching