Coaching Programs and Services

Coaching from Donna is available to support you so your life becomes in 100% in harmony with your intentions.

Donna can mentor you to have clarity, to set your intentions and to guide you in removing the old programming so you are free to allow your inner-spirit and outer-life to come into balance with Happiness and Success!

Everything is already available.  Our experience of life is mirroring our thoughts.  When we learn to get in alignment with the outcomes, everything becomes a YES!

Yes – Clarity and vision for a life worth living.

Yes – Ease and balance in your day-to-day experience of life.

Yes – Joy and freshness in your heart always.

Yes – Self-love and self-respect no matter what your mind-chatter says.

Yes – A healthy mind and body so you can feel good day-to-day.

Yes – Harmony in your relationships with your family, friends, colleagues and boss.

Yes – Self-Confidence in whatever you’d like to experience in your life.

Yes – Keeping your commitments and being accountable so you feel productive.

Yes – Having a wonderful job.

Yes – Having passion and purpose in your life-plan.

Yes – Peace in your heart.

Yes – Sleeping well and waking up refreshed and clear.

Yes – Finding an ideal mate to share your day-to-day life.

Yes – Making decisions from a place of power.

Yes – Having fun and a playful spirit in your life.

Yes – Embracing your growth and experiencing all that life offers.

Yes – Devoting yourself to your dreams and seeing them become a reality.

Donna is not kidding when she says,  Yes!   Yes!   Yes!   Everyone can do it!

No matter what your particular flavor is, you can explore how to be, do, and have any or all of it.

Our number one goal in life is to uncover the happiness which is already ours.

If you are in the 30-Day EXTREME Makeover, you have access during the group calls to ask Donna for on-the-spot laser coaching. Click here to join the next 30-Day EXTREME Makeover

If you are interested in Donna mentoring you in one to one coaching session, contact her directly for pricing and her availability.  click here to email Donna

Donna knows exactly what it takes to support you in having any of these options or simply having it all.